Machiaj și Blog de farmec Luni, voi. 370

You might be wondering, “So what in tarnation is this Monday Poll thing anyway!?”

Ei bine, nu este exact un sondaj. Este mult mai degrabă o evoluție continuă (devolvare?), O listă de întrebări aleatorii oarecum aleatoare pe care am pus-o la cititori în dimineața zilei de luni în ultimii șapte ani. (Este ca un kickstart pentru creierul tău.) Întotdeauna am încântat să citesc răspunsurile dvs. în comentarii și sper că vă încântați să le citiți pe Mine.

Have you ever seen someone in real life who looks like they could be your twin/doppelgänger?
Mi-aș dori! and if I did, I would certainly take a twinsies selfie of us with my phone.

Someday, it’ll happen…and it will be awesome. hopefully she’ll be a cat lady, too.

Sometimes I will hear that I look like somebody’s sister or aunt or mom, or like Reese Witherspoon, which I take as a total compliment because I think she’s adorable.

What do you think of the new Apple Watch, and would you wear it?
Gurl, I walked by the Apple store yesterday (on my way to the Chanel counter), and I didn’t even want to go inside and take a look. I just… I have my good ‘ol view with, like, the dial and the two little hands, and that’s all I need.

I just feel like I already carry my phone with me all over the place, and I don’t really need a smart view to tell me what’s already on my phone.

Sometimes when I open my mouth…
…crazy cat lady stuff comes out.

VERY crazy cat lady stuff — so crazy that even I’m amazed I say it, like, “It’s kitten season!” which I say every single time we drive by the Marin county Humane Society.

El Hub is so sick of hearing it. He’ll say, “Sweetie! Every season is kitten season!”

And I’ll just nod. “Știu.”

Do you see yourself as much more of a bohemian, or a glamour gal?
This one’s difficult because I like the unwinded ease of the bohemian look, but I don’t really feel like it’s 100% me…because I’m not all that relaxed. I certainly see myself as much more of a glamour gal. I feel much more comfortable when I’m a little much more dressed up and put together. I think that’s much more my style.

What do you typically wear to work?
Well, here at Tabs the cat industries LLC, the dress code is very strict (not really). Although it’s tempting to wear workout clothes all the time, mostly I dress as though I’m going to a regular office. It just helps get me in the mindset of what I’m gonna do for the day, so I guess you could call it company casual. best now I’m wearing a cute pair of chambray scalloped shorts and a kind of secretary-ish sleeveless blouse because it’s expected to be hot here today.


Randul tau. Doar copiați și lipiți următoarele întrebări într-un comentariu cu răspunsurile dvs. Aștept cu nerăbdare să citesc “em!

1. have you ever seen someone in real life who looks like they could be your twin/doppelgänger?
2. What do you think of the new Apple Watch, and would you wear it?
3. in some cases when I open my mouth…
4. Do you see yourself as much more of a bohemian, or a glamour gal?
5. What do you typically wear to work?


Pisici & machiaj Sweatshirt?

$ 42.

Cumpără acum

Buna prietene. This is random, but do you want some cilantro? My little deck garden is slowly but certainly coming along, and my cilantro plant is by far dominating all of the other herbs.

So cilantro is in the house.

I hope you’re doing well today. I’m feeling much better — like, emotionally. I know that sounds goofy, but it’s true (thank you again for your kindness and support).

I’ve been making a lot of headway on operation get Your Sh*t Together. I did a bunch of things that I’ve been wanting to do but just haven’t done, like I removed a tall, narrow bookshelf that wasn’t much help, moved my desk to a different side of the room, and I purchased this huge behemoth of a shelving system.

This is probably gonna sound crazy…but it’s pink.

Hot pink.

And it’s made out of stainless steel.

So, I don’t know if it exactly reads “office chic,” but I found it on Amazon, and it’s not crazy expensive. hopefully it alleviates some of my storage issues.


Anyway, enough about that! have a great day today, and I’ll speak with you soon.

Farmecul tău prietenos de farmec dependent,


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