August happiness Highlights

I saw this on Chanelle’s blog as well as I believed it was such a excellent concept that I decided to provide it a whirl! This is rather a departure for me since it’s mainly non-beauty associated discussion… here’s a glimpse into my daily life.

Mon Aug 1 – Civic holiday so a day off from work! I satisfied with my good friend from Newfoundland for lunch.

Tues Aug 2 – went to a MUJI open home event as well as got some stationery loot to play with!

Wed Aug 3 – I had 5 meetings that spanned 7 hours, leaving me with 1 hour to do actual work – however the happiness highlight is that I got to eat my sushi lunch during a seminar call.

Thurs Aug 4 – I got to pet 2 puppies in 2 separate puppy encounters. One was a French Bulldog, as well as the other was a poodle type as well as both tried to play with me by nipping at my hand with their sharp bit teeth!

Fri Aug 5 – went to MAC over lunch with coworker as well as she treated me to some eye shadows!

Sat Aug 6 – watched the new Jason Bourne movie, which was enjoyable (although the very first one is still the best).

Sun Aug 7 – satisfied up with feline (my PLC!) to do Back to MAC!

Caracteristică sursă de imagine.

Mon Aug 8 – had a brunch-like meal for dinner. It’s my favourite type of meal to eat, any type of time of the day:

Tues Aug 9 – the SO showed me a new game he’s playing where he gets to develop area ships as well as battle other people, appears like fun as well as most importantly, he’s enjoying himself.

Wed Aug 10 – did a presentation at work as well as it went well.

Thurs Aug 11 – lastly required to convert to the new picture ID health and wellness Card (I’m one of the last hold-outs). however the line up at service Ontario counter wasn’t poor at all – I was in as well as out in 15 minutes!

I’ve had this exact same card since I was a bit kid! It’s cracked as well as the laminate is peeling off… sniff sniff, bye bye red & white card!

Fri Aug 12 – lastly made the decision to go to the walk-in center for a recurring hive / rash circumstance on my legs that I’ve been dealing with for a month. The center had no line-ups at all – the center doc had no hint about what I had, as well as provided me a referral to a dermatologist for Monday.

Sat Aug 13 – had lunch at Burger’s priest as well as ate my favourite burger there, the Option:

Sun Aug 14 – went to the Documentary Cinema to watch the new release “Lo as well as Behold: Reveries of the linked World” by Werner Herzog. A truly thought-provoking look at the internet; its past, present as well as future uses.

Mon Aug 15 – visited the dermatologist for my legs as well as he believes I got bitten by bed bugs as well as took a skin biopsy (ouchy).  I’m aghast at the believed of our location having bed bugs (the doc suspects because of our recent trip to Japan).  So we watched this video on exactly how to find bed bugs (don’t watch if squeamish) as well as then we turned our location upside down and… discovered nadda. Not a single trace (this is the happiness highlight part! however I still laid down bed bug traps, just in case.)†

Tues Aug 16 – restocked my stock of Squish gummies for work! They are having a 5 bags for $20 so I had to get 5 bags of gummies. A trebuit să!

Wed Aug 17 – two meetings at work got canceled very first thing this morning!

Thurs Aug 18 – took the day off work for dentist as well as physician (my routine doc, not the derm) visit – my skin biopsy site is infected as well as I got prescribed antibiotics. We ordered pizza for dinner instead of cooking.

Fri Aug 19 – called in ill (I never phone call in sick, I dislike doing it! This was my very first ill day this year) since my leg still wasn’t feeling great, however it definitely improved from the day prior. I had to keep my leg elevated so I mainly sat or slept, however I ate the very best bbq pork fried rice for lunch!

Sat Aug 20 – one more low key day to let my leg heal so I watched a lot of YouTube videos as well as saw this:

Such a neat idea! may have to borrow it for the blog. I just like single eye shadows!

Sun Aug 21 – watched St. Vincent, adorable movie!

Mon Aug 22 – back to work! Unlike most people, I don’t dislike work – I enjoy being productive as well as not cooped up at home.

Tues Aug 23 – scored a Cake beauty Milk Made shower gel from Winners, I’ve been on a search for this specific scent since it’s my favourite hand cream from Cake, as well as ClassicMaggie raved about it in her July empties.

Wed Aug 24 – tried a new-to-me sushi location suggested by a coworker as well as ate a tasty red dragon roll (with salmon) as well as shockingly it’s in a food court!

Thurs Aug 25 – had an remarkable time listening to the MyLipAddiction beauty Podcast featuring beauty by Catherine:

Fri Aug 26 – went out for after-work drinks, it’s nice to not talk about work with coworkers for once.

Sat Aug 27 – visited the EX!

Sun Aug 28 – walked around in Kensington Market (a bohemian areaCu mari oferte de produse ecrimante ecologice, precum și de magazine de mâna a doua), unde se închid pe stradă în zilele de duminică, precum și am mâncat înghețată (am avut aroma de tort de ziua de naștere):

Da, asta eo masini si camion cu iarba, precum si plantele care cresc din ea. Așa că piața tipică Kensington!

Mon Aug 29 – a luat cusăturile din piciorul meu unde au făcut biopsia pielii – Yippee!

Marți 30 august – Lucru suge este că m-am trezit cu mai multe stupi / erupții pe picioarele mele, precum și lucrul care nu este nucky este că am descoperit niște fuste frumoase cu flori lungi de la Muji pentru croaziera mea care vine în 2 săptămâni:

Această fustă de balon Muji este atât de confortabilă, precum și poate fi îmbrăcată și în sus (l-am cumpărat în culoarea albastră așa cum se arată).

WED AUG 31 – Inspectat pe capcanele Bug Bug, precum și pe presupunerea ce? Au fost goale! * aruncă confetti * (Deși, este încă un secret despre picioarele mele – aștept rezultatele biopsiei pielii care va fi la mijlocul lunii septembrie)

† Îmi pare rău pentru toate detaliile – nu am vrut să spun acest exercițiu pentru a fi un jurnal! Cu toate acestea, dacă am specificat doar fericirea mea evidențiază ca “fără bug-uri de pat!” V-ați fi întrebat despre context!

Era mai degrabă luna plină de evenimente, precum și, deși s-au întâmplat câteva lucruri ciudate, această fericire subliniază a fost un exercițiu uimitor pentru a păstra lucrurile în perspectivă! Te face cu adevărat să apreciezi lucrurile! Dacă ați verificat totul, apoi Gold Star pentru tine! Vrei să te gândești la menținerea unui punct de vedere al fericirii pentru septembrie?

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Ca încărcarea …

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